how to earn money online

"ACCESS The Most POWERFUL Work From Home & Online Business Opportunity in a 4 Steps Program for: Money Saving, Money Borrowing and Investing for THIS YEAR." Use YOUR Minimum wage or "Your $30 Pizza Money" to Maximize Profits Online! Valued at $550+!

Some Gurus have this 67 Steps Program to Make Money, But this requires a lot of work, and additional capital of around $2,997+... Why not just Start this 4 Steps Program like "Right Now" that can easily make YOU a whopping $12,000+/month!

4 Steps Program People Are Now Using to Make $5,000 to $12,000+/month! Get this POWERFUL 4 Steps Program as soon as YOU can! Valued at $550+ for only $27! It can easily go up to $57+ soon because it's worth way more than the current price!

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Copyright © by Koffi A and The Team!

I don't say this often, but it's actually very possible to save up to an amazing $300+/week and use that extra money to Invest and much, much more...! Because these days, you can practically get everything online for a low cost, and in some cases for FREE.

You've probable heard the phrase, "The more you learn, the more you earn!" Especially when it pertains to money because they don't teach so much of this in school! So the more You learn about "MONEY" right now, the more likely you'll be rich because you will eventually be educating others and it will motivate YOU to also stay on top of things when it comes to the money that spend on course to teach you, the money that you borrow, the money that you save and most importantly, the money that you invest over time!

And some are even willing to pay $550+ for this 4 Steps Program Info, including learning about this man who worked only minimum wage who was able to have a net-worth of around $500,000+! Once YOU know how he did this, You will use this 4 Steps program everyday for at least 30 minutes a day...

Some have used this 4 Steps Program to even make 12,000+/month, but you are only required to make just $5,000/month for starters... while SAVING Yourself a lot of money in the process! First YOU have to join at least a few online opportunities that are doing well THIS YEAR, then create a 4 steps program that we will just give to YOU, then share it with other people, then YOU will start seeing money flowing down to your bank account like a waterfall...While Saving lots of money!


"This 4 Step program had allowed me to make more money with not only people in my database, but also my friends list on Facebook" --- Alex Birchwood, Information Technology Agent

"Following the 4 steps was easy, I already had some of the programs that were inside the 4 steps, all I needed was to spend a measly 30 minutes a day to send e-mails to other people who expressed interest in the 4 Steps and even the Strategies 2 Success *Silver Package and I was able to make my first $800"
--- Brad Framope, from Atlanta GA, USA

"What an Amazing program! Was able to make my first $500 in just 1 week"
---Joshua T Amerson, Digital Marketer

You can actually start seeing "Excellent Results" and start using this "4 Steps Program" for all YOUR Website Links within 2 minutes from now... And most professionals would literally pay $500+ for this!

Some were even willing to pay even more like $600+ for these 4 Amazing Steps! Yes, our top marketing consultants and super affiliates wanted us to charge around $600+ for it!

That's not a bad idea, since it also has the potential to give you a net-worth of around $500,000, but I think everybody reading this Important Info should see this: 4 Step Program "right now"! By the way, here are some FREE Marketing, Money Saving, Money Borrowing and Investment topics for YOU to read in the "red" headlines, and when you're ready to access "the 4 Steps program" Just do it ASAP!

Is Facebook Ads still good for YOU in 2025?

Well, if you find yourself on Facebook a lot and you know friends that occasionally buy things on Facebook, then yes!... You should definitely give it a try whether you're promoting a simple ad or a sophisticated video ad, you should test both. You can run one ad per week or two to three ads a week so that you would get more accomplished in 1 week. You should also follow-up with your prospects several times which will later reduce your ad cost and increase your sales...

If You don't have much money "right now" You can even use simple Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter post to promote YOUR Own version of this 4 Steps program to make some extra money faster... and Once you made your first $300+ You can start paying for Facebook, Instagram or Twitter(X) Ads to even double or triple your earnings! The sky is the limit for this powerful 4 Steps program and using it with social media.

But, if for some reason you can't run ads on Facebook because your ads keeps on being rejected, the *Silver Package will give you access to some leads services with leads that are from Facebook Ads from others that can help YOU tremendously. But just access this 4 Steps program first before you access the *Silver Package to make the process even easier.

Is it Good to Use debt to Become Rich with Your Website Links?

So even if YOU start by only investing around $250 to $350 and found a way of using the 4 Steps Program to multiply it several times strategically to make your first $700, you'll be tempted to quit your Mc Donald or Minimum wage job... Because all you would have to do is take that $700 and keep re-investing it until you make more money... duh! This isn't rocket science! There are some people including YOURSELF that will even use debt to do this (Highly Recommended), to speed up the process since YOUR rate of profitability will be extremely high at this point... Much higher than YOUR rate of interest on YOUR debt.

And if YOU can start making weekly payments on your debts including, credit cards instead of monthly payments, you'll not only save on interest in the long term, but you will also build your credit a lot faster and have a ton of available credit to use anytime.

Now, this is not to say that, working at Mc Donald sucks or working at any minimum wage job, sucks... In a matter of fact, you will probably enjoy working at your minimum wage job knowing that you have an additional income stream coming in from an online venture. Plus, working at Mc Donald or other minimum wage job can actually help you build some work ethic that you can later on apply to your online ventures!

What do we mean by this? work ethic to apply to your online ventures?

You see... The discipline that you apply for getting ready for work, arriving at work, and doing your job consistently should carry on to this opportunity, but the easiest part of this online venture is that YOU can start "today" with just 30 Minutes per day!

In the past at around 1999, I, the founder of spent literally $10,000+ to get started in a profitable online venture...

I was even in debt for a long time before I was able to recover my $10,000+ But back then, I didn't know about Velocity Banking or a way to pay off debts a lot quicker to maximize interest savings and build my credit a lot faster! But today, I can honestly say that, I'm now very good at it and still learning!

As a result, I was able to build my credit to over $75,000+... And so can YOU!

But now, with my 25 years of experience I'm making this extremely easy for you... With this current technology of this decade 2020, you technically only need a little bit of money and 30 minutes a day to start a profitable online venture especially if you start using this: 4 Steps program.

If You also know how to Save and Manage money, you're good! However, If You don't know how to save and manage money but you know how to invest, you're still good for now!

If You know how to manage debt, you'll also do well with this program! Because if You've ever heard from Robert Kiyosaki: "The rich don't work for money!" Now this doesn't mean that he is saying, you should never work! It just means that most of your wealth will come from the money that you've invested or the money that you've borrow temporarily to start a program that can start making you money "right away", especially in a recession because people are also trying to find ways to have 2nd income stream ASAP so that when the economic recession ends, they can easily have 10 times more money because more and more people will have money to buy! But if you're smart, get in NOW! And the money that you are earning from your job or borrowing from your line of credit is just a miniscule launching pad to get you started! But eventually, you'll become rich!

You can also become Rich by just Saving and Investing!

Now lets get into saving and investing... The other path that you can choose is to work hard, spend less, save and invest similar to what Dave Ramsey teaches, and this is also good, but the wealth will come a bit slower...

But that's okay too because we have one POWERFUL example inside the 4 Steps program of a man that worked and only made $12/hour and just kept saving and investing into these POWERFUL and AMAZING things and was able to have a net-worth of around $500,000+! This will be in a Bonus video!

You will see this Bonus video "right away" once YOU access this 4 Steps program

Therefore, if you are patient enough, you will definitely make this money!

However, Using All Resources Available to YOU can Make You A Millionaire!

Now imagine if YOU or someone following this same guy (making just $12/hour) that You will see in the "BONUS Video" inside this 4 Steps Program and used all the additional tools like: this 4 Steps Program, along with the Strategies 2 Success *Silver Package and at the same time continue to $ save and $ invest into what this same guy is investing into, YOUR net-worth could even be around $1 or $2 Million in a shorter amount of time!

So, I hope this will motivate YOU to get started to not only be working, but also be saving and investing all at the same time and finding tools to speed up the process...

So if You are ready to start the: 4 steps program... Get Excited and Get started today!

The good news is that, you can start this program for as little as: $27! If you start NOW You will do extremely well in the near future! It's actually worth $550+ So, don't wait to pay $550+ for it in the future! This 4 Steps program will continue to go up in value... Some professional marketing consultants are even predicting as high as $600+!

You will also Get 1 Google Recommended Tools inside to help YOU Make More Money with this 4 Steps Program! As well as Getting YOUR first 600+ Targeted Visitors as a 2nd Bonus!

You have to see this POWERFUL 4 Steps Program for yourself to believe it... (worth $550+) now $27! And it can easily go up to $97+ very quickly because of it's worth!...

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You also have the option of paying for the 4 Steps program
with E-Transfer, just send the E-Transfer amount of $27 USD
to this e-mail address:

If You have a minimum wage job ($24,000/Year) or even a medium wage job ($40,000/Year) Or You don't have any money at all and you are on Government assistance or someone is helping YOU out, you can still make money online... Again, start with this POWERFUL program so that YOU can at least SEE how the 4 Steps Program works!

And the more information that you get on the possibilities of earning an additional income like ($1,000+/month) online will actually get you excited even while you're at work... Or even while you're waiting for your next Government cheque!

And maybe while, you're flipping these burgers during the day, you can even tell some of your co-workers that you've stumbled upon this website at that's helping PEOPLE earn an additional $1,300+/month... to a maximum of $12,000+/month... "would you like to join me?" and e-mail them or give them your referral link!

Oh, and by the way, to get your *Silver Package referral link, you would need to first access the *Silver Package!

And also, they always say, do not quit your day job! And most people would quit a minimum wage job in a heart beat once they know that they can make more money elsewhere.

However, Don't Quit Your Job just yet until YOU Learn How to Turn $2,000 into $5,000! In a matter of fact, if your minimum wage job is bringing YOU around $1,600+/month... Plus your investment of some money and time (30 minutes to 1 hour) online... This would be a total of $6,300+/month in revenue for you! At this point even if you have some debt, and additional expenses, you'll be able to manage it without any stress!

Even though I'm a bit pessimistic when it comes to working a minimum wage job while earning a solid income online, even I know that you shouldn't quit, especially if you enjoy your job, or you enjoy being with your co-workers.

I guess, some people enjoy being with their co-workers, not all!

There are even some miraculous stories of people working minimum wages and have a business on the side... like this one guy you'll hear on YouTube that was a janitor who did stock trading on the side... He was able to acquire around $8 Million, but kept working as a janitor and still living below his means... If he runs into any emergencies and needed $100,000, he could just sell some of his shares and would still be a very rich man. If that's your calling, you should go for it!

All I'm saying, along with the Team is that, you'll have that option to quit your job if you want, but you don't have to, especially if you're enjoying the additional income from that Mc Donald job as well as some of the benefits and free food!

Now the reason why I say this is that, if you're getting full time hours or slightly part time hours at work, in 3 months you would have already made $3,000+ from your job... Now provided that you don't have other heavy expenses, so let's say that you decided to use just a fraction of that money to get into the *Silver Package Income opportunity and start building an email list of targeted people and you start telling them about and persuade some to join through your referral link or affiliate link "right now"! Guess What?

You did it! You've just created mini business for YOURSELF using our Payment Platform!

This will get YOU so excited that, you'll do it again and again, and the next thing you'll notice is that you'll have an additional $2,000+/month in addition to what you're earning at that Mc Donald job.

Even if you spend half of the money that you're earning from that minimum wage job; $1,500 to build a list, you could easily have a list of 1,800+ people since building a Targeted List would normally cost you around $0.50 to $1.00 per person... That's actually a good deal... And don't forget about your co-workers at that Mc Donald; you can add them to your e-mail list too or just message them on Facebook to join YOU!

The problem that most people have is that once they get their paychecks, they spend most of that money on things that won't get them a return on their investment like: eating out all the time, buying expensive clothing, jewelry, and constantly partying, while spending very little of that money to build an email list that will help them make more money online.

I think personally from my own experience, I would take most of that money or at least half of that money and use it to build a targeted e-mail list with the ( Strategies 2 Success *Silver Package) and using all the other Money Making Opportunities inside this 4 Steps Program.

From my own experience when I was in college and I was just finishing and started working, I remember I've always loved to party. So, when I worked, half of my paycheck would go to partying and I talk a lot about this inside my *Silver Package, and the other half went into my internet business at the time... but of course this is after my other monthly expenses!

Now the reason why, I eventually became successful online was that, half of my paychecks actually went into advertising online and building an email list and joining opportunities that cost me around $297 or even $997! Some of them were a waste of money and some were very useful! And the good ones were the ones that started making me $2,000+ to $8,000+/month!

And I remembered that if I didn't do this (put in at least $600+/month), back in 2002 I wouldn't make any money at all! Or I would only make very little in return!

I truly believe if You or anybody did this, (put in around $600+/month), along with the proper knowledge, you will eventually have success online... But you do this when you're already making at least $2,000+/month online!

So, If you're a young guy or gal working at Mc Donald or other places that pay minimum wage, you can start "right now" sending traffic to your own *Silver Package referral link that you can get and then building an email list or using free or paid traffic exchanges along with following the 4 Steps!

you'll have the potential of actually quitting that job in about 3 months because you would have already built an email list of at least 1,500 to 2,000 targeted people and would have recruited around 20 to 25 people.

Again, like I mentioned before, I'm not saying to quit your job earlier or even after 3 months, but once you have a list of 2,000+ people and you have an excellent product to sell to them, you will definitely be making more money than at your job, so the choice is up to you.

How do I know that you can make more money online after 3 months than my current minimum wage job?

Because it happened to me! And the only way for you to find this out is to take a plunge into this water yourself! If You have, like, $40 lying around... Do yourself a favor a do something useful with it "right now"! Don't waste it on 2 boxes of pizza! Buy all the pizzas and enjoy it later once you start making some real money.

If you're a bit older or retired, it's definitely not too late for you because it only takes a few hundred dollars to start building your first list of 200 to 500 people... Now imagine putting in thousands of dollars in build your list, you could easily have a list of 100,000+ people... Imagine how much money you would make online...

Especially if You also have a system where it only cost you $197, or $297 to get started...

And start selling this same $297 product to this e-mail list and earning 50% to 75% commission, you would make a lot of money...

And You can also build your list even faster with the resources inside The *Silver Package! You can actually make 5 to 10 times more money with the information inside the Strategies 2 Success *Silver Package than you would just referring the package to someone else!

You can even Get 4 Million Targeted Traffic and 250,000+ Subscribers!" inside The *Silver Package! And don't get too skeptical because these numbers are real!

One of our Average Income Earning Members had to say this about the *Silver Package "How I was able to make $6,000+ in 3 months? I just bought the Package" --- Alex Birchwood

So it's clear that the more leads that you get through the *Silver Packages, And the more you use them to promote all your other products and services, including other small businesses that you may have, the more successful you are going to be.

Again, The 4 Steps Program is literally worth an (AMAZING $550+!!!)

This 4 Steps SECRET Strategy will enable You to incorporate other online opportunities with our *Silver Package that can actually make YOU a lot of MONEY and build your E-mail list extremely fast NOW for only $27! Or You can just Access it now to learn about the man that worked and only made $12/hour and was able to have a net-worth of around $500,000+!

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You also have the option of paying for the 4 Steps program
with E-Transfer, just send the E-Transfer amount of $27 USD
to this e-mail address: