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![]() ![]() Chapter 2And it came to pass on the following day after the prophet and the sage told Noah about the 7 dunamis crystals, the dream that Noah had about the fallen arch angel, Veno now called Venomeous, the evil dark lord of the Dynamite X Kingdom, which will soon be called the Dynamite X Empire, started to become a reality in the city of Metromantis. Deep in the depths of the west part of the city, there was a massive waste land and in it were the fallen spiritual beings, including the arch angel Veno, now called Venomeous. He is on the ground in pain and agony due to the lightning striking his body ruthlessly, and the fire that consumed half of his face.Venomeous got up and started crawling on his hands because his legs were completely shattered during the fall. Then he looked up to the heavens with bitterness and anger and says under his breath, “God, Lord of the heavens and Earth, you have stricken me with your supernatural powers, with lightning and fire, but I will recovery, and when I do, I will have revenge on all of your creation, I will destroy all of mankind, including your holy ones that were created by the dunamis crystals. And I will cause your chosen one to fall like how I had caused the original Lumanite to fall. I will have dominion over the earth from now on, and once I recollect all the 7 dunamis crystals, I will also own the heavens, and I will rebuild my lost civilization!” The creator heard what he just said and was already aware of his intensions and replied back to him by saying, “your intensions seems very futile, however, you will have the powers to recollect just the 6 dunamis crystals out of the 7, because the clear dunamis crystal will be of no use to you, since there’s nothing inside it. When you recollect all 6 dunamis crystals, then will your powers increase tremendously above every natural and supernatural beings ever created both on the earth, the first and also the second heaven.” But that’s all, the creator felt lead to say to him. The creator did not mention about how he was already a defeated foe because he wanted Venomeous to be unaware of what is supposed to happen with the dunamis crystals, to spread and do wonders so that the creator himself will get all the glory. Even though they were stolen to serve evil, the creator will use it for his glory. Therefore, whatever the enemy Venomeous meant for evil, the creator will turn it around for his good. Afterwards, Venomeous was very delighted to hear the Lord’s prophecy about how he will take over the entire earth and the heavens once he recollects and utilizes the wisdom from the dunamis crystals. So he continues to crawl in hot pursuit to find the nearest dunamis crystal. Fortunately for him, the red dunamis crystal was nearby under a bunch of dirt and rubble in the heart of the dirty and horrible Metromantis waste facility. Venomeous was too weak to dig up the red crystal under the pile of dirt and debris, so he asked one of his demonic angels nearby to help him. This demonic angel had also fallen from heaven, but was in a better condition than Venomeous. So he digs up the red dunamis crystal and hands it over to his master. “Here you go Lord Venomeous” says the demonic angel, and then Venomeous asks him, “How did you know my new name?” Then the demonic angel replied back to him, “Because, you have now fallen from the heavens and need a new body made out of elements from the dunamis crystals, so your name has been changed from Veno, the arch angel to Venomeous, the dark lord of the Dynamite X Kingdom!” Then another demonic angel corrected the first one by saying, “Correction, our master will be the dark lord of the New Dynamite X Empire and he will rule again, but this time a powerful warrior of the earth and of the skies.” Then Venomeous agrees and says, “That’s right number two, I will rule again, but not like Veno the arch angel with wings, but Venomeous the next king of the dark empire with a new royal cape, so that I can still fly in the sky and summon the powers and principalities in the heavenly realms, and wait for time to go by to proclaim victory! Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah!” Then Venomeous takes the red dunamis crystal, and uses one of his well-known magic called “Spectrumize” an illegal magic that has been conjured up by other evil demonic angels before him. This magic has been forbidden to be used in heaven, but can be used by fallen angels. This Spectrumize Magic allows them to take the dunamis crystal and extract it’s elements and recreate it into a magical pearl about the same size as the original dunamis crystal except a little bit smaller. Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Noah sits down on his living room couch and turns on the TV, and sees just horrible things happening in the news. As he watched, he saw that there were numerous crimes being committed in the city of Metromantis, including people getting hurt and even people being murdered. So while Noah sits down and continues to visualize the increase in the crime rate in the city of Metromantis, he automatically wanted to do something about it as he quenches his fist, trying to be courageous, but was also paralyzed with fear, and the expression of anger was still ripping through his face. He didn’t know where to begin, or what to do, so he just waited for his father Jonah Shields to get home. It was almost evening, but the sun was still shining with a slight breeze coming through the window. Then out of the corner of his eyes, he sees his step mother Jena entering the room. His step mother hated him, and still does for the reason that he wasn’t getting anywhere in life. So Jena comes into the living room and screams at him, “why are you just wasting your life watching TV and running around and sleeping, you know all your other friends around your age have real jobs and careers, but you, you really disappoint me Noah!” Then Noah answers back to her, “Oh no, not you again, what the hell is your problem? I’m just waiting for dad to get home!” “Not me again?! What the hell is my problem?” she replied back, “are you trying to get smart with me boy?!” And before Jena, his step mother could even grab him to throw him out of the living room, Noah perceiving this, had already gotten up and ran to his bedroom upstairs to wait for his father to arrive at the house. Noah could no longer stand it when his step mother Jena comes in, screaming at him from afar, then coming closer to grab him to scream at him some more. He finds it utterly disrespectful and rude. So he knows better to always take-off when this same incident occurs with his step mother, coming close to him, screaming at him, from the top of her lungs. It has become more irritating than it ever once was, and it would happen at least 11 times a week. So as she continues to scream at Noah, telling him how he should be more organized and be like all his other friends, Noah could still hear her from his bed room, “squawk, squawk, squawk,” as she went on. So Noah plugs his ear with a pair of ear plugs sitting on top of his dresser and then says to himself, “No need to be hearing anymore of that!” Then he rested peacefully on his bed. It is now about 6:30 PM, it is time for Johan Shields, the father of Noah, and the husband of Jena to finally arrive to the house. So Jonah enters the doorway of his giant mansion, Jena goes over to kiss him on the cheek, then says, “please go talk to your son, he’s been misbehaving again and not doing any work at all, including his homework and chores around the house! All he does is lays down and watches TV!” Then Jonah goes upstairs to go see his son Noah. Noah was delighted to see his father, Jonah; he tells him about the dream that he had. However, before that, he complained about Jena, his step mother by saying, “Why does she still treat me like a child?” and then Jonah replies back to him and says, “well because that’s just the way she is and besides you’re my child and I love you and she loves you too, but just has a unique and ironic way of showing it!” “But tell me more about this dream?” his father asked him in a delighted tone of voice. Then Noah tells him about the dream of the fallen arch angel and everything that happened afterwards. Then Jonah utters out in a soft voice, “the time is finally here!” “What do you mean by that, dad?” Noah asked in a somewhat bewildered tone, after hearing his father whisper to himself softly. Then Jonah replied, “I was praying one night, then I felt the Lord spoke to me in a small still voice… once your offspring starts seeing prophetic visions and dreaming the up most dreams, particularly about the fallen arch angel, now is the time to anoint the child, but by then the child will no longer be a child in human terms, he will be fully grown. However in the spirit, he is still a child that needs much to learn about courage, for he will be rather timid. So he told me to tell you this Noah, that; God did not give you the spirit of timidity but of power, love and a sound mind!” Then Jonah grabs him by the hand and squeezes it hard. “Ouch, what are doing, can’t you hold my hands a little softer?” Noah screamed. “Son you need to have courage physically, mentally and spiritually” Jonah his father replies back to him. Then he said it again and squeezed his hand even harder, and Noah complained again, then he did it a third time, and this time Noah’s hands started to feel a little numb. Then he did it a fourth time, then a fifth, then sixth and finally the seventh time, and afterwards Noah started to feel some strength in his hands and also his forearms. Then Noah Shields realizes what he was called to do, the same way the prophet and the sage explained to him. He also started to fully comprehend when he remembered the time, when he was only 4 years old, when his biological mother told him that, when he grows up, he will become a great warrior. Just like in the bedtime story that was being read to him every night. Stories like Hercules, Sampson and some of the other hero’s that had supernatural powers, some were fictional and some were real. So Noah was very delighted, and decided he wanted to take a walk outside to catch some of the cool summer evening breeze before it got colder outside. He had a choice to walk through the peaceful meadows or walk through the noisy part of the city. He chose the noisy part of the city as one of his regular routines feeling rather brave. However once he got to the side walk, the peace that he had left him and the fear started to creep in again as he hears sounds of people shouting and threatening each other, some were drug dealers, and others were just acting tough, trying to be dangerous in every way to increase their confidence and street credibility. Afterwards the anger that he had for these criminals came back to his mind, and he started to feel unstable once again. The thought of his step mother and how she was after him about certain things, and the amount of homework he had to do, otherwise he will fail his University classes. This all entered his mind almost at the same time. It all came rushing to him like a flood. Then another premonition came to him, he didn’t want to see it or feel it, so he started running through the noisy neighborhood to get to a peaceful place to pray. Meanwhile, at the Eastern Garden which is east of Living Water Sanctuary, there stood Nebula a beautiful young woman of God with a gorgeous light blue garment almost like a princess, starts praying to the Lord, a magnificent prayer, then prays the Lord’s prayer: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen. Then she prays a prayer to protect the chosen one; Our father I come to you today with love and open arms, thank you for giving me the privilege to become your prayer servant, you could have chosen another woman who is as vitreous, but you have chosen me, I give you all the glory and honour, and I ask of you to protect the chosen warrior who will be the next Lumanite, I pray that his supernatural powers, boldness, courage, faithfulness, righteousness and humbleness will far exceed every warrior before him and after him, Amen. Then Nebula goes to the North Garden that was at the north end of the Living Water Sanctuary. Noah was also at the North Garden, finally finding a peaceful place to pray and lay his head and clear his mind. Noah finds a place in the garden near a giant rock and he decided to lay his head on this rock just like a pillow, but then his neck got sore and felt uncomfortable from trying to rest on this rock. So he got irritated and picked up the rock which weighted about forty pounds and threw it in a little water puddle nearby, and the water splashed on him and he got all wet from the bottom to his waste. He almost started swearing because he was so angry and aggravated, still not finding that peace he was searching for. However, he started feeling the presence of the creator around him so he decided not to swear. Afterwards he noticed something very peculiar. When he looked and stared at the rock that he just threw in the puddle, he noticed an army of ants started crawling on the rock. He was shocked because, despite the fact that the direction he threw the rock was near an ant hole, in a matter of fact it was under an ant-hole, blocking the ant hole completely. Regardless of this, the ants were still coming out like crazy. He almost got dazed just staring at them crawling on the rock. Then he realized that he was getting another vision, but this time he wasn’t seeing it like a vision or imagining it, he was actually physically seeing an army of ants, just gushing out from under the rock, then crawling on top of the rock, and then going to the other direction. Then he thought to himself, how can this be? Since most of his visions and premonitions are usually a lot different from what he was currently seeing. He was still confused and realized that he hasn’t even started praying yet, so he thought to himself again and said under his breath, “I’ll have to ask the prophet and the sage about this one the next time I see them.” So in the meanwhile he backed off and started praying. The air around him was so nice and cool, while hearing the soft breeze slithering through the trees. The faint light from the sun was still shining on the trees and bushes around him. Then the sun started to go down slowly. Nonetheless, at that moment, it didn’t occur to him that it was getting any darker, because he kept on opening and closing his eyes while he was praying. He finally felt at peace while he was praying, nevertheless every now and then he would think about how his life was and is still a big mess. He tried not to dwell on it, but sometimes he couldn’t help it. He also realized that he hasn’t really prayed fervently for quite some time now and felt a little bit embarrassed, knowing that he was a devoted Christian. His background used to be Catholic, and then he almost made a decision to become an atheist at one point, when he attended Junior High, but now he’s seemingly right back on track with his beliefs once again, now being a devout Pentecostal Christian, but for how long? Nebula was on the other side of the North Garden. She had already finished her prayer and started walking into the direction where Noah was. She was very curious to see what was going on because she heard the sound of the rock when Noah threw it into the puddle. She continued to walk slowly down Noah’s direction and finally sees Noah on his knees praying. Noah heard some footsteps behind him. His acute sense of hearing caught it. His sharp sense of hearing even became magnified during the past couple of days after having the dream, and seeing the visions and having the premonitions. He looked behind and said, “Who’s there?” in a somewhat startling tone of voice. He sees the silhouette of Nebula behind the trees. He almost started to freak out not knowing who it was. He then calmed himself down when he saw the silhouette of a woman’s hair blowing, so he thought to himself, it’s just a woman walking by. Then Nebula appears and says “Oh hi! I was just walking by and I heard some noise.” Nebula said to him softly. Nebula prior to this was actually watching Noah praying for a while and was moved in her heart. Then Noah replied, “That’s okay I was just praying”. He looked at her with just a quick glance and looked down ignoring the fact that she was a very beautiful woman. Nebula replies back to him, “Wow that’s good!” As she stared at Noah, she thought to herself and said, “I don’t think I’ve seen you before! My name is Nebula”. She reaches out her hand to shake Noah’s hand. Then Noah turns around and replies, “Oh, my name is Noah.” Again Noah didn’t notice her beauty and thought to himself, I think I’ve seen this girl at church sometime on a Sunday morning or during a Sunday evening service. There was a pause; then Nebula looked into his eyes and noticed right away that something was troubling him. Then she asked him, “Is something troubling you?” Then Noah replied anxiously, “No not really!” while trying to hide his feelings. Then Nebula replied and said, “Because I can sense it in your soul and spirit that something is troubling you! What is it? Maybe I can help you!” Nebula had a powerful sense of knowing what was in a person’s heart, not only because of her being a woman and knowing these things, but mainly because she was heavily gifted by the creator the abilities to almost see inside a person’s soul and possessing the powers to discern mentally and spiritually. However, the irony is, as powerful as Nebula’s gifts are, she can’t read everything in that person’s soul, especially if that person hides it too deeply. Then Noah finally confessed and said, “My life really sucks, man!” He then started sharing with her the things that he was going through, from having premonitions and fears, to his step mother not respecting him, to the problem that he was having at school trying to keep his grades up and he almost mentioned his girlfriend who he sometimes talks about, but didn’t this time. Nebula just responded sympathetically by saying, “Wow!” She didn’t know what else to say to him at the moment, but just had a heart of compassion for him. Then, Noah started to feel a little bit uncomfortable and said, “I need to get going, it’s getting late!” Nebula almost insisted that he stay a little longer to tell her more about what was going on in his life, but she didn’t. So Noah took off like a flash, and while he was still walking away from her in hot pursuit trying to get home, Nebula stared at him having more compassion for him. Her heart melted like chocolate that was left too long in the hot sun; afterwards, she realizes that she’s in love with him. Then, she felt the creator speaking to her saying, “The chosen one will go through many tests, some of them will be very gruesome before he can become a leader and a true hero. I will even test him to see if he has enough courage to stand up against the evil that will be coming his way.” Then Nebula realizes who Noah really was and the person that he is supposed to become. She became a little fearful when she found out, because he didn‘t want him to fail or die during the difficult tests that the creator had for him. Tears started pouring out of her eyes as she responded back to the Lord and said, “Will you then also protect him from the evil to come, for he has already been through enough already?!” Then Nebula fell down on her face and started praying and interceding. Her stomach felt all of a sudden very sick, and the spirit of grief encompassed her, like being in a poisonous marsh, that was sucking life out of her. She even almost started throwing up, because she had mixed emotions of being love sick and the grief that she felt from the spirit of intercession. But mainly, Nebula feared greatly that people will try to kill Noah before he becomes Lumanite X. Meanwhile, as Noah treads through the path that he was previously on, to get home, he started once again feeling the spirit of darkness all around him, and this time it was even stronger than ever before. At this time the sun had completely gone down, and it was relatively dark outside, and he could barely see the path in which he was walking on. Therefore he went to where some of the street lights were so that he can see a little bit clearer. Then, out of nowhere two guys jumped him, one of them was skinny and had a knife in his hands, and the other one was a little bit stockier and had his fist out ready to punch him. “Give me your money, or we’re gonna kill you!” the stockier guy screamed at him. Well, Noah knowing that he himself was about 6’2 and 225 pounds, had a chance to take them out, but decided not to. So he slowly reached into his pocket to see if he had any money, then he changed his mind and leaned over to the taller, skinnier guy and grabbed his hands, the one with the knife, and pointed it upwards. The other guy attacked him with his fist, but Noah dragged the skinnier guy at the direction where the punch was being thrown. So the skinnier guy got punched, but only got dazed and he also dropped the knife by accident in the heat of fight. Noah did not like knives and he himself would never dream of using one on anyone. So he picked up the knife and heaved it with all his might and it landed far away in one of the bushes in the distance. Just within half a second after that, the stockier guy threw a punch right in Noah’s belly, it was so hard and it connected so clean that he nearly started puking. But he restrained from it, fell to the ground and rolled away to one direction, then threw a kick while he was down, and it landed on the stockier guy’s crotch. Seeing that the stockier guy was in pain and agony while holding his private spot, Noah got up and retaliated aggressively. He now had more confidence to win the fight, so he threw a couple of more punches at the stockier guy’s head, a left hook and then a right hook. They both connected clean, but the two punches weren’t strong enough, so the stockier guy recovered almost right away and became even angrier and grabbed Noah and put him in a shoulder lock and held him up and said, “You’re gonna pay for this, all we wanted was your f**ken money, and you’re maken it hard on us, fool!” Then, the skinnier guy grabbed him by the foot, and they both squeezed him, and then pulled him like a rope trying to drain his energy, and at the same time, trying to break his spine. However Noah flexed his muscles in his mid-section to avoid being injured. Then he thought to himself, “Man this is crazy, here I am: 6’2 and 225 pounds, relatively strong, even enough to take out an average person, my life is in shambles, I’ve been having weird dreams and premonitions, I’m called to be the next Lumanite, and two guys on the streets want to kill me, no way!” Then a powerful shot of adrenaline rushed through his blood stream. Then Noah kicked the skinnier guy that was holding his feet, very easily. Then he grabbed the other guy while the guy had him in a shoulder lock and flipped him, the stockier guy and slammed him on the ground. After this serge of energy, Noah started to feel weak again, and he knew that at this point in time, the only way he was going to survive was to run while the two guys were quickly recovering from these heavy blows. Therefore, Noah took off like a bullet to the direction where his home was by going through areas that he was normally used to. Particularly, walking through the noisy part of the city at certain times was perfect and normal for him, but now it was pretty quiet because it was late, about 11:00 at night. The two guys pursued him, but as soon as they heard the noise which sounded like police sirens, they took off the other way to avoid being caught, because they were both wanted for armed burglary earlier on. So these criminals didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire by chasing Noah all over the city and get caught by the police so soon, this would be foolish of them, considering that they’re already in enough trouble. So Noah lost them both, and was absolutely relieved. He can now slow down from his fleeing to catch his breath. He was now feeling the noticeable pain all over his body from that vicious altercation. So on his way back home at about 10 minutes after 11 PM, he sees and hears more commotion at the left hand side of his shoulder. His ears were more acute now to hear more clearly, since he could barely feel other parts of his body functioning properly due to the pain. There were three other guys and one of them was screaming at one of the city’s prostitutes. It was so loud that he can even hear it echoing at the right hand side of him. Again one of the guys grabbed the prostitute and started to abuse her, Noah’s anger became thick and he scrunched his fist hoping that he can do something to stop them from hurting her, but he was too weak and the guys looked even bigger and stronger than the previous two guys that he fought. So he decided to just call it a night, instead he just notified the group of policemen that were nearby, and also lifted up a prayer for the prostitute not to get killed before the police arrive. Again, he knew that it was much too dangerous for him to get involved in another street fight at this point. So, at about 11:30, Noah returned home and luckily his step mother wasn’t at the mansion to start arguing with him again, and his father Jonah was out of town on a business conference, so he rested peaceful on his bed until the next day. Meanwhile, deep in the depths of the city’s waste facility, there stood Venomeous who was slowing regaining his powers again. So Venomeous takes the red dunamis crystal and uses the Spectrumize Magic to extract its elements to create a red pearl. While he was doing this, a larger group of the demonic angels who have also fallen, gathered around him and were amazed that their master still had the wit and shrewdness to conjure up this type of magic. They all surrounded him, about 150 of them in the waste facility shouting “Hail, great Lord Venomeous!” And while they were saying it as a worship to him, the dark lord increased in strength and supernatural powers. It was the evil dynamite supernatural power from the dark side. The demonic angels were able to find pieces of material to start building their master; Venomeous, a new body. So they found pieces of metal, and created an armor; along with a head piece for their master to wear on his body and also on his head. One of the demonic angels even conjured up fire to create the heat to mold the materials for the armor. However he was limited in that type of magic and needed the green dunamis crystal, which can create an unlimited amount of molten lava and heat to form earth, and rocks then later on vegetation. So it came to pass after about 2 days they were all done, and Venomeous is now walking around fully clothed with a solid body and magnificent golden armor just like a warrior ready for battle. Venomeous’s wisdom increased and he realized that, when he fell like lightning from heaven, the supernatural powers that he once had, became limited, so he couldn’t use the magic he once had consistently and effectively. Therefore he concluded that he and the rest of his demonic allies needed to seek wisdom from men in means of scientific logic and twisted philosophical concepts. Besides he felt that he deserves to use it, because he was the one that twisted the truth in the first place and gave it to mankind, including the word of truth that was in the ancient books; including the bible, and the wisdom that the creator has given him to teach others. He had also twisted and will continue to twist the wisdom from the dunamis crystals, to use it for his own evil desires. So what Venomeous does next was; he gathered some of his demonic allies together, along with some of the disembodied spirits to go and possess one of the mad-scientist in the city of Metromantis. Venomeous promised the mad scientist some gold and silver that he will later on obtain from the gold dunamis crystal, if he can work on an experiment to create a mutation agent, or a mutagenic mediator from the red dunamis crystal. So the mad scientist actually studied the red crystal scientifically. He was also able to understand the spiritual wisdom behind the red crystal because he was also possessed by some of the demons that Venomeous sent. And these demons taught him the supernatural and paranormal knowledge behind the red crystal, and the mad scientist was able to get a scientific interpretation of it, and created a special mutagenic substance they called “Dynatech Fluid”. So the way they created this dynatech fluid was; they took DNA from one of the strongest, most diligent and hardworking creatures on the face of the planet, which are the ants. Then took the information in the red crystal on how the ant-like creatures of the Planet Sandova were created. Then mixed it with the genetic information that can be bound to humans, to create the special fluid called; the Dynatech Fluid. So that if a small dosage of this fluid was injected into a human being, it would cause them to have supernatural properties from both regular ants and the Sandovian ant-like creature, but more powerful than even them. However if a much larger dose was injected into a human being, it would create another supernatural being even more powerful, especially in using his brute force, but this creature will be very grotesque, and will certainly be lacking in brain power. Venomeous wants to create an army this powerful so that they can not only destroy material at an incredible rate, but to also start building things at an incredible rate, just like ants. So before they started the experiment to build this army of these grotesque and powerful supernatural creatures, Venomeous decides to first of all create an apprentice. Someone that he can trust and teach some of the abilities, that he currently possesses, especially skills for battle. He wanted to use one of the demonic angels and create a new body for him, but none seemed to be brave enough to stand up. However there was a stranger among their group who looked like a mortal, he was totally covered in rags. You couldn’t see his face and when he reached out his hands and said, “Use me master to be your apprentice!” His hands and arms looked like that of a Sandovian warrior. Then Venomeous chose him and used his magic to transform him into a new being, and they named him Raiden. He was about six feet tall and had a dark hooded garment, and you couldn’t see his face at all. He looked kind of like the grim reaper but you couldn’t see his face at all. He was also given a dark grey horse with wings to ride on. “Thank you for your supernatural powers, master and Lord Venomeous” Raiden said in a delighted tone. Then they all continued on the experiment to invent and produce this dynatech fluid, and have such an abundance of it that they can use it many times over. After they produced this dynatech fluid, they had about two gallons full. Now they wanted to use humans as their subjects and inject this fluid inside their blood stream to mutate them into these very grotesque and powerful supernatural creatures. So what they did was they created a diversion by making people think that there was something very dangerous happening in this Metromantis waste facility. So the government and mayor of the city sent an army of about 20 highly trained soldiers and security personnel from the Metromantis Military to check out the waste facility. They all had their weapons charged up and ready, including the leader, the strongest one from them all named Elliot Brute Smith. He was about 6’8 and 295 pounds, all muscle. He lead the way to the facility and wasn’t afraid to take on any beast with his bare hands. Since he and all of the inhabitants of the city have been noticing an ever increasing wave of strange creatures, they’ve already planned a successful way to destroy numerous amounts of these creatures with their military weapons. Sometimes Elliot, who they also called Bruton, using his brute force from his bare hands, would easily rip these diabolical creatures apart all by himself. Unfortunately, the creatures that they were going up against at this time when they were at the waste facility; were none other than the unseen and unbeatable demonic angels. Venomeous even gave them more supernatural powers, so that they can capture these soldiers without breaking a sweat, including their leader, Elliot who they wanted to use the most for their new army. So the demonic angels who were invisible attacked the 20 soldiers and security personnel and incapacitated them to the point where they couldn’t move, then dragged them to the experimental room that was in the heart of the waste facility. Because they were all incapacitated and frozen with the demonic angel’s supernatural spells for about 5 minutes, they didn’t have to bind them first. They just started injecting them with the dangerous dynatech fluids. Each of them had an entire canister, about the size of a cup injected into their blood stream. They all started to mutate into these grotesque and powerful supernatural creatures. However prior to this, one of the demonic angels that had wisdom, identified and thought of a more effective way for these creatures to be loyal to serving evil for the rest of their days. So they concluded that if you were to strike a tremendous amount of fear into them before you injected them with this dynatech fluid, it would lead them to the dark side to serve darkness and evil more effectively. Reason being, fear in general and also in the Dynamite X Kingdom can lead individuals who continuously walked in this fear and dread to serve the dark side rather than the light. So what these angels would do after they made human like bodies for themselves using the power of the red dunamis crystal was put on a hideous, grotesque, and dreadful looking masks, and would strike fear into these soldiers for about a few seconds, before injecting them with the dynatech fluid. While they were being transformed into these grotesque and powerful supernatural creatures, they would shake violently, their eyes would start bulging out, and their skin would start puffing up while changing colors. They would get darker and darker until they turned completely black while tremendous amount of muscles and veins would start popping out of them. They called these grotesque supernatural creatures Dynatose. They stood about 8 feet tall like the giants in the book of Genesis. They weighed about 700 pounds and extremely muscular. However the leader Elliot who was 6’8 and 295 pounds became even bigger at about; 8 and a half feet tall, and weighed about 1,000 pounds. They called him Leader Dynatose who was the one they were going to use to single handedly attack the city of Metromantis and later on fight against Lumanite. But all the other Dynatose creatures about 19 of them were to stay at the waste facility to start building and cutting down giant trees from the nearby forest, northeast of the city of Metromantis. They had gigantic, mutated ant like claws about 3 feet long and 6 inches thick from the base of their fore-arms and very sharp at the peak. They used it to claw objects, cut down gigantic trees, break hard and massive rocks and used them for construction and building massive barracks. However, Leader Dynatose on the other hand will be using his claws and teeth to destroy and cause chaos in the city of Metromantis as directed by the dark lord Venomeous and his new apprentice Raiden, the hooded warrior. Then, Venomeous also received a prophecy from one of his demonic angels about the chosen one that will try to stop him. They gave him the name Noah Shields the next warrior from the Shields dynasty to be the next Lumanite who will fight him and return the 7 crystals back to heaven. Venomeous was furious and couldn’t believe it, because he remember God, telling him something else like, “When you recollect all the dunamis crystals, then will your powers increase tremendously above every natural and supernatural beings ever created both on the earth, the first and also the second heaven” As a result, Venomeous also tells Raiden to go find the chosen one, this Noah Shields, the next Lumanite. So that he can also inject him with the same dynatech fluid, for he knew the potential that the next Lumanite will have over the original Lumanite. He also knew the incredible asset and potential he would have to the dark Dynamite X Empire to help Venomeous build his lost civilization with the 7 dunamis crystals, instead of fighting against him and allowing him to return the 7 crystals back to heaven. Venomeous also tells Raiden to strike fear into Noah like they did to the soldiers before they turned them into Dynatose. Venomeous in addition, also received a prophecy from one of his demonic angels telling him about Noah’s weaknesses, being more than just simply fear. So the dark lord was delighted to hear this. Therefore he wanted to capitalize on this weakness by paralyzing him more with fear and dread, and then finishing him off with the rest of the red dynatech fluid, an entire canister full. Afterwards, do whatever he needed to do to finally turn Noah to the dark side. So Venomeous gave Raiden, the hooded warrior, a dart that contained 1/3 of an entire canister full of the dynatech fluid. He gave him direction to put this dart into a pistol and fire it at Noah to start the transformation and mutation process, then strike more fear into him until he becomes weak. Then, inject the other 2/3 of the dynatech fluid to totally transform him into the same grotesque supernatural creatures like Dynatose. This way Noah Shields, the faithful son of Jonah would fall like the original Lumanite and serve evil for all his days. And lastly, Venomeous learns of the whereabouts of the white dunamis crystal, because one of his prophetic demons told him. It was with Jonah Shields, the father of Noah, the next righteous dynasty that will fight against evil and against him. Therefore Venomeous also commanded Raiden, who appeared to look like he didn’t want to do what his master commanded, “In the process of attacking the Shields dynasty by finishing off the offspring of Jonah, you will also bring back the white crystal!” Raiden asked him, “My master, what’s the purpose of you obtaining the white crystal, seeing that you only desire darkness?” Then Venomeous replied, “Because the white crystal, I have studied all the elements and attributes of it when I was an Arch angel of light, back in heaven before I got cast down. I can use the white crystal to deceive the people of Metromantis and disguise myself as an angel of light! So I need the white dunamis crystal now! And you, my faithful apprentice, Raiden will get it for me, or suffer the consequences!” Then Raiden replied in fear and reverence, “Yes my master, your wish is my command!” While Raiden was getting ready to leave, Venomeous also now having the abilities to fly again with his a new royal cape, instead of his previous angelic wings, also took off to the planet Sandova to search for the green dunamis crystal. Raiden, the hooded warrior, having a similar countenance as the grim reaper, also mounted on his dark grey horse with wings and flew off to look for Noah and to bring back the white dunamis crystal to give to his master. ![]() |