![]() ![]() ![]() You can also Read This Digital Novel on Amazon!!! Lumanite X - Episode 1. The 7 Crystals Digital NovelCopyright © 2023 by Koffi Amouzouvi of Lumanus Media & MakeMoney Worldwide Publication!This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as being real except for the major deities in which, I believe are real. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author. ![]() PrologueI dedicate this prologue to everybody that admire science fiction with a bit of mythology, this includes all the Lumanite X series; all the episodes, and the amazing side stories, however, if you’re not interested in fables with a bit of truth that can make you think right now - don’t give up just yet, because you’ll find something very shocking while reading these stories!Just keep reading… You’ll find some things that will absolutely shock you. This may challenge you greatly and make you think, or it may absolutely blow you away... You’ll find out in these: Lumanite X series, a little bit of everything to keep you entertained with a fragment of Fantasy, Mythology, Regular Science, Mystery and Biblical theology with entities that may seem a bit unclear to most people, but will open your eyes to almost an endless amount of knowledge and possibilities! Who knows, these stories may even enrich your life after you read them. Know and understand the knowledge of the supernatural realm vs. the natural real, or the metaphysical realm verses the natural real… Now, this is something that most people cannot explain sometimes in science fiction: Where do aliens really come from? Maybe the only way to explain it would be to say “another dimension” Even the Bible refers to beings like: Powers and Principalities, Rulers, or Dominions in the heavenly realm or that could also mean the celestial realm. Because even in the celestial realm; a human being in his natural form cannot survive. The Powers and Principalities, or Dominions could also be referring to other supernatural beings in Greek Mythology, since the Bible also talked about fallen angels giving birth to half terrestrial and half celestial offspring: The Nephilims. So, what does this all have to do with science fiction? Well as you may have already known, because of the increase in Technology and increase in the knowledge of space and the celestial realm, the line between reality and science fiction are now becoming a lot narrower. What we once thought of as just simply artificial intelligent and virtual reality are now becoming more and more real and are developing to be more of a possibility. To some people, it’s a bit scary and to others, very fascinating… One person on CNN asked or solicited to the actor: Morgan Freeman as a man of God, but Morgan Freeman corrected her and said, “He was a man of faith” Now this can indicate or mean a few things… Now Morgan Freeman was being honest because he wasn’t called into ministry to be a man of God, but this doesn’t stop him from believing in a creator or God… Now, Abraham in the Bible was also a man of faith, who believed God and his purpose for living. So faith is actually, believing in what we can’t see. And even Jesus in the Bible talked about himself and the unseen realm to one of the Pharisee who was willing to listen: Nicodemus… And what does this all have to do with science fiction? Well, a lot, because in science fiction, we always dream about the possibility of something happening in the future… Now we don’t see it, but we wish that it could happen. So if you don’t believe in a spiritual force which is called, faith, but just on logic and reasoning alone, can you or a person that knows explain the entire laws of the universe? Oprah Winfrey also mentioned about her faith and seeing it as being more than what people think… A physical and spiritual purpose as to why we’re here in our physical bodies and the significant of our lives now being just as important as life after death… This sometimes goes against what society would consider as being normal, but being well informed and well educated does play a vital role in enhancing lives in any way, shape or form. Similar to how Oprah Winfrey talks about enhancing one’s life to do better, physically, mentally, and even spiritually, knowing and even learning new things in science fiction fantasy stories can definitely give you an insight on how one can apply what’s in these stories to hopefully better their lives in one way, shape, or form. Even though these stories are fictional fantasies, they still carry real life examples of what people in general could go through in real life – Making it much easier for people to relate to them. The Lumanite X series to some people might sound like a myth or a legend, but it doesn’t give any historical record of when most of these events occurred… It just carries its own timeline making it more of a folktale, however, with powerful references to reality – making it one of a kind story series that anyone can read at any time and still enjoy it. -Again, while reading through the Lumanite X series, you will feel a sense of peace and tranquility. Excellent for your mind & spirit! -You will also feel a sense of Excitement, wondering what's going to happen next! -Some scenes, you'll find very funny and hilarious; great for sharing with your friends and family. Yes! Laughter is always good for the soul! -However, some parts of these stories are a little graphic and violent to also depict this cruel and evil reality that we all currently live in! -You will also learn about scientific laws & supernatural laws working together to give the series a somewhat compelling illustration of reality and what a person believes! -You will also learn how scientific laws relate to supernatural laws. For instance, we know that there are some things in this world that cannot be solved by just natural laws, like look at creation, when things were created – Some things were created so intricately and so perfect that it would literally be difficult to explain. When you look at a tiny mustard seed that creates a gigantic tree, there’s definitely other ways to explain it that totally goes beyond just scientific laws, including its complicated steps of adaptation, evolution, and existence from the life that the seed carries to the life that it brings after the tree grows. When You look at a child being born from the miniature reproductive cell to an amazing child that carries not only similar DNA as it’s parents, but has a life of its own and will adapt to start thinking in a much more unique way than all the others. Likewise, in this story of : Lumanite X, episode 1 – The 7 Crystals, the dunamis crystals are like powerful seeds used to create numerous forms of : life, worlds, planets and even galaxies. The Seven Crystals are also symbolic of the wisdom of “the creator” that have been stolen and have been transformed to deceive and used for evil… The 7 dunamis crystals are barely the size of bowling balls, but they all have enough supernatural powers to create new worlds, creatures, galaxies and much more… What is considered real or border line Myth vs. what is fiction in this story:The place where this story starts: The city of Metromantis is a fictional city; however, it’s similar to Los Angeles, California or Vancouver, Canada.Now the place where the story begins in the protagonist’s dream would be considered real to most people and to some a border-line myth. The antagonist of this story Veno, the arch angel is a fictional representation of Lucifer, the arch angel, who would be considered real to most people and to some, a border line myth. The arch angel Veno, who gets turned into the evil dark lord, Venomeous in this story is just a fictional representation of the more real, Lucifer turning into Satan. The name, Noah Shields is a fictional character in the story; the main protagonist, but shares his first name with, Noah, a historical person in the Bible… Likewise his father: Jonah Shields, another fictional character who also shares his first name with a historical figure in the Bible, Jonah, who got swallowed by the big fish. What makes the Lumanite X Series Intriguing to Most People:Now what makes these stories the most intriguing to most people is the combination of the science fiction elements mixed with Mythology of: God, gods, angels, demons, powers and principalities, aliens, robots; robotic organism, cybernetic organism, synthetic organisms and much more…Other things that makes this series intriguing are the terms or names that will make you think, such as: Demonic Angels, Dunamis Power... Chapter 1The city of Metromantis, the home of nearly 1.2 million people; these inhabitants live in the north, south, east, west and central parts of the city. However, most of them lived in the central part of the city because that was where most of the parties and live events were.In the northern section of the city, there is a man by the name of; Jonah Shields, a good man who had respect for his creator. He wasn‘t necessarily a hard-core religious man, like most people would normally claim, but had passion for the truth as well as wisdom and knowledge. He also lives in a big mansion that he got blessed with, using his wisdom in the field of technological science. With his advance scientific expertise and proficiency, he was able to build a special futuristic and state-of-the-arts hover vehicle. This hover car was amazing: automatic doors that lifted up quickly, artistically design mainframe, and most importantly with its ability to go a little over 400 miles an hour. Thus, no wonder Jonah was known as the next genius in the city. His next two projects will even be more breathtaking: the first will be, the one special circuit project called “The Drenalin Capsule” that he’s working on with the company, Sagia Corp… The second one, will be his own private project, the most sophisticated, a prototype for an advance human robotic organism, very top secret. Jonah Shields is nearly sixty years old and has a son named, Noah Shields, who is in his early to mid-thirties, a handsome man who looked younger than his age. One night while Noah Shields, the son of Jonah lied down on his bed, he slept and had a dream. In this dream he saw in the distance, clouds and sky as though he was in Heaven. Then the clouds started to slowly dissipate and then he sees in the distance a beautiful arch angel, full of multiple arrays of colors and lights. The majestic garments that this, arch angel wore was full of precious stones. This arch angel, who was also exalted over all the other angels, sang a beautiful song, and right behind him was a heavenly host of millions of angels and other heavenly deities who applauded him. And while he continued to sing, tremendous amounts of supernatural powers flowed from him as he was hitting higher notes, and the heavenly hosts applauded him even louder, then this arch angel came to the realization of who he needed to become like. Even the creator was pleased with him and chose him to lead his people, including the heavenly hosts and also the ones who lived on the earth. Then all of a sudden, the sky and clouds started changing to different hues of colors, particularly to a deeper red color. Something didn’t seem right at all, in a matter of fact, it seemed rather bizarre. It seems as though the spirit of violence and chaos was being conjured up all over the atmosphere, as the color hues of the clouds and the skies continues to change to a much deeper red. This arch angel also questioned, “Why wasn’t he made in the image of the creator?” He pondered it, then, found it extremely unfair. His countenance grew worse during every passing day. Jealousy filled his heart like a heavy flow of water, breaking a strong dam to fill a large vessel. He could no longer contain the envy that overflowed, so he also questioned, “Why was man made in God’s image and not I? Why was Rika, the original Lumanite made in your image?” He didn’t fully understand what plans the creator had for mankind, and what plans he had for the angels. However, this lack of understanding of the truth, also lead to his rebellion. Something else also caused him to rebel against the creator. In this fictional series of “Lumanite X” you will find some of the reasons, and in “part 1” of “The Lumanite X Chronicles” you will find a much greater reason as to why this arch angel rebelled against the creator… Almost similar to, how and why Lucifer rebelled against the creator, in the Holy Bible. So this arch angel also had a civilization that was given to him by the creator, but he altered it, making it a place for idol worship, sexual immorality and created his own version of wealth and power. His civilization was similar to that of Atlantis. It finally vanished without a trace, completely destroyed by the power of the almighty creator, and most of its components got stored inside the 7 crystals. Then all of a sudden, that beautiful arch angel whose name was, Veno, stood up and walked forward, he also had a weapon of some sort in his hands, and behind him were 1/3 of the angels who followed him, ready to pursue his orders. While this was happening, the only things that was coming out of Veno’s mouth was, “I need to take over, I need to take control, I need to bring back my lost civilization.” His confidence and countenance grew stronger, then he utters out, “I will exalt my throne to be like the most high, God”. So the arch angel Veno and his host of angels tried to attack the throne room. There was another beautiful angel who looked like a child, but was actually fully grown, who ran down one of the isles that lead to the throne room to warn everyone, including the creator of this vicious assault. Even the son of God, who sat on the right hand of his father, turned around and realized what was going on. However, the omnipotent and all-knowing creator already knew about it and his anger arose against this arch angel Veno. The power of the creator’s voice caused the heavens to shake violently. Afterward, the other two powerful arch angels appeared from behind the clouds to apprehend and fight against Veno with a ferocious counter assault. Then it came to pass when the arch angel Veno started to lose the battle, realized that the only way he can prevail and win this battle was to get a hold of the 7 crystals which was in one of the throne rooms. He then remembered one day when he was being taught by the creator that when he was ready, the creator would give him the 7 dunamis crystals which contains the supernatural wisdom of the almighty creator to rule, to reign, to create and to recreate the most powerful things ever. Then later on, he would also teach others who were ready to utilize this great and powerful wisdom that the creator used to create the universe and everything in it. Now because the arch angel, Veno sinned against the creator by trying to exalt himself on the same throne and also altering the civilization that was created for him, he no longer has the right to own the 7 dunamis crystals. However, in his continuous acts of disobedience, Veno himself traveled relentlessly to where the throne room was, where the 7 crystals were located. Thus, he climbed the highest mountains of heaven despite having a half beaten and wounded body from the battle. He finally reached the top of the mountain to the throne room that contained the 7 supernatural crystals. So he reaches out his hands, and all of the 7 crystals floated in the air and came to him, and he had some room in his garment to place all the 7 crystals. However, the creator already knowing what he was up to, trying to steal the 7 crystals that no longer belong to him, stretches out his hands with great power and majestic energy flowing from his hands, shot some fire and lightning in the direction of where the arch angel Veno was. It struck Veno severely while he was leaving the mountain and ready to soar back into the sky. The lightning shocked him and paralyzed him utterly and the 7 dunamis crystals got scattered all around the heavens and the galaxies. However, the one crystal they called the “dark dunamis crystal” was under him and he fell in it and went through it. He was actually trapped inside the realms of the dark crystal for a while, similar to being trapped in hell, but then found a way to get out. But prior to this, after the lightning hits him, the fire from the hand of the creator also scorched half of his face. The rest of his body had already been broken and became paralyzed. One half of his face still had his fair and beautiful countenance, and the other half was grotesque and burned so severely that it was almost black, like burned flesh with a thousand bumps and scars. Veno who once was that beautiful arch angel, now called Venomeous, screams in agony as he was cast out of heaven like lightning, almost similar to how Lucifer fell. He was mainly cast out of heaven for his betrayal for wanting to overthrow the creator’s throne, and has also lost everything during his fall including all of his former civilization that the creator created for him, including the one that he perverted. Then, Noah Shields, the son of Jonah awakened from his dream, looked up at the ceiling, and was very confused and was troubled by the dream, thinking to himself… what can it all mean? It never occurred to him that the dream was somewhat symbolic of something that happened in the Bible, because he still had a lot on his mind, things that were really troubling him. Then he looked at his alarm clock in his bedroom and the time read 3:33 AM, it was too early for him. It was still dark outside. He also felt a small breeze coming from his bedroom window, and the sound of leaves whispering in the wind. So he got up and went to his bedroom’s backyard deck. The mansion that he lived in was big enough that he even had his own bedroom deck and backyard. He stared tirelessly at the stars in the sky, still trying to figure out what that dream meant. Then Noah Shields the son of Jonah became restless and leaned over the deck for a while, he became a little bit nauseous then sat down on a chair that was nearby and waited for morning to break. It was then 7:00 in the morning, perfect time for the Living Water Sanctuary to open up, so that he can go and see Sage Tanner and Prophet Dan. Therefore, Noah eagerly runs to the west side of the Living Water Sanctuary where Sage Tanner and Prophet Dan always did their morning prayers and intersession. Sage Tanner usually gives wisdom, and Prophet Dan usually gives prophecies and interpretations of prophetic events. Therefore, Noah Shields goes over to the prophet first, and tells him about the dream that he had. Prophet Dan already knew what the dream was about, and that the events in the dream had already happened. He already knew that Noah Shields was going to be the next chosen one out of Jonah Shields righteous family. The creator had already revealed it to him that there was going to be a young man from the Shields dynasty who will have a dream about the 7 supernatural crystals. Furthermore, Prophet Dan hears the dream, and afterwards calls Sage Tanner who was on the other side of the open room praying, to also hear about the dream and to give some wisdom to the young man, Noah who had the dream. Then they both tell him that the dream was real, and he too possesses the power and ability to have premonitions and visions about the past, present and future like a prophet, a fortuneteller, or a seer. The only difference was with Noah Shields, he was also “the chosen one” to be a warrior to help bring down the kingdom of darkness that the evil arch angel had conjured up. Sage Tanner and Prophet Dan also told him that he was chosen to find and return the 7 dunamis crystals back to Heaven. “What an incredible honor it is that the creator has chosen you to do this!” the sage said to Noah. Then Noah replied back with a little trepidation, “I can’t do this, I’m just an ordinary guy!” “Sure you can and the creator’s Spirit Force will be with you!” exclaimed Prophet Dan. Then Noah explains, “Look you guys, I don’t have any power over any system, I can’t even finish school, I’m failing most of my classes, I’ll never become as brilliant of a scientist like my father, and I have issues with my step mom, she doesn’t accept me for who I am… and that dream I had was just probably my imagination working overtime, I’ve been watching too many crazy movies, so I can‘t, I can’t do this, it‘s beyond me.” Then Noah storms out of the sanctuary hoping to catch some more sleep, and more importantly, he was also hoping to put that entire bizarre dream behind him. However, before he could even get about 10 meters away from the exit of the sanctuary, he gets a premonition so strong that it drove him to the ground. His head was in pain while images flashed before his eyes. His premonition was about the destruction of his city, Metromantis. He sees buildings collapsing, he then sees a fiery sword drawn towards him, and then he sees black claws growing out of his knuckles… He became so petrified that he went back to the sanctuary to seek some comfort from the sage and the prophet. When Noah Shields; the son of Jonah walked back in, Prophet Dan using one of his prophetic gifts, sensed and saw the spirit of fear all around him. Then Noah screams out, “You have to help me, I just got a frightening vision of the city, the buildings are collapsing, there are fiery swords pointing at me and things are growing out of my knuckles! What can this all mean?” Then Prophet Dan explained to him, but he first tells him this, “You must have faith my son because fear will only bring destruction!” “What do you mean?” Noah asked. Then the prophet sat him down. First the prophet tells him this… “Because you are the chosen one from the Shields dynasty, for your father Jonah being a righteous man, the creator gave him favor, and blessed him with a son, a son that will one day grow up and give himself back so that he can serve the creator, hopefully for all the days of his life.” “What does that mean? I haven’t even been going to church lately.” Noah asked again. But by this time, the sage spoke and said, “Great wisdom and discernment has been given to me, but greater wisdom has been given to your family for their righteousness… You see Noah, long ago before you were born… There was a war between good and evil, the wise and the ravenous. One chose the light and the other chose darkness… there once lived a warrior of light named Lumanite and he was chosen as a servant of the most high God to stop the arch angel Veno, now called Venomeous from taking over, by twisting and perverting God’s wisdom and using it for himself. So God banished this dark lord, Venomeous and trapped him inside the dark crystal. Later on, this original Lumanite failed his quest because he focused too much on the lust of his flesh and the pride of life, and also all the lusts and evil pleasures that the dark lord’s lost civilization had offered him. So similar to the dark lord, he also got banished and trapped inside the dark crystal for his betrayal and disobedience against God. In this symbolic dream that you had Noah my son, that will soon take place here, the wisdom of God is in the 7 dunamis crystals, similar to the Holy Bible carrying the truth. Dunamis stands for the Greek word dynamo, or dynamite, or supernatural. These crystals, contains the wisdom of the creator and also some of his supernatural powers. Some philosophers and scientific scholars believe that the 7 crystals are the most advance form of alien technology, powerful enough to create organic life forms, different worlds & dimensions, planets, and even galaxies… The red dunamis crystal has the power to create organic life forms including using its powers for mutating insect life and mixing them with other life forms like aliens and humans as part of Venomeous‘s plans… The white dunamis crystal has the power to create illuminated objects or creatures full of light; however, Venomeous plans to use the white crystal to disguise himself like an angel of light to deceive many people in the city of Metromantis. The green dunamis crystal has the power to create earth, rocks and vegetation. I just had a premonition right now that this green crystal is currently in the Planet Sandova where the Sandovians live. The Sandovians are ant-like creatures that were created supernaturally when the 7 crystals got scattered. The Sandovians are hardworking creatures and need the green crystal to sustain the life of their gigantic planet. But Venomeous will trick the rulers of the Sandovian civilization to give him the green crystal. The blue dunamis crystal has the power to create watery firmaments and ice. It has the ability to be created and be transformed into different temperatures and variations. The dark dunamis crystal has the power to banish, create and re-create evil by sucking in the spirits and souls of sinful natures. The creator originally used this dark dunamis crystal to banish the evil that he saw all around because he can‘t stand to be near sin. But the enemy can also use this dark crystal for great evil if he gets a hold of it, and if he is not imprisoned by it. The gold dunamis crystal has the power to create wealth and prosperity. I just had another premonition right now that the gold dunamis crystal is currently in the Planet Biotote. The civilization and the inhabitants of the Planet Biotote, who are called the Biototans, are massive bee-like creatures that are currently defending the gold crystal with their lives and will not let anybody take it from them. They are extremely prosperous in their planet because of this gold crystal, and have the most resources out of the entire galaxy. And finally the clear dunamis crystal is the most powerful crystal out of the 7. It’s the holiest of all the crystals and it has the most supernatural powers and abilities to perform miracles like never before. So Noah, son of the righteous Jonah, I have told you about the 7 crystal in the order of the red, the white, the green, the blue, the dark and the gold because this is the order in which Venomeous will try to collect them to try to rebuild his former civilization, and will cause the entire created beings on the earth, the heaven and the entire galaxy to fall and to worship him. So you were the one Noah, chosen to stop him, what an honor!” Noah replies back by saying, “what can I do? What if I fail? Or worst, what if I die or I end up like the first Lumanite who got banished?” Then Sage Tanner replied back to him by saying, “You know what son, the difference I see between you and the original Lumanite is that the original Lumanite was very proud and conceited to begin with. I mean, he first started out being very humble, however when he finally met us in the old days, he began to show signs of being arrogant. But when I see you Noah, I see a humble man that is slightly timid, but with a lot of potential. All you need Noah, is a little faith in yourself and in the almighty creator that created you, spirit, soul and body!” So as Prophet Dan and Sage Tanner laid their hands on him, he all of a sudden felt a tiny wisp of courage, then he got up and said, “thank you for sharing that story with me and encouraging me, you know, I‘ve always wanted to be a hero, even in the smallest ways, I’ll see what I can do, I’ll go talk to my father.” Then both the prophet and the sage jumped up for joy and were delighted. Then when Noah just got up to leave the sanctuary to go back home, Prophet Dan tells him this “remember this Noah, whatever the enemy meant for evil in your life, God meant for good. Then Noah leaves the sanctuary to return back home. ![]() ![]() |